Meet our Executive Leadership

MSA Leadership

Ann Blasick
Director of Career Services
Candice McLemore
Director of MSA Program Operations
Associate Director
Associate Director
Associate Director
Photo of Richard Fujimoto
Faculty Committee
Faculty Committee
Faculty Committee


Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Srinivas Aluru
Computational Science and Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Scheller College of Business
Photo of Edmond Chow
Computational Science and Engineering
Photo of Mathieu Dahan
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Irfan Essa
Computer Science
no image
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Timothy Halloran
Scheller College of Business
Photo of James Hays
Interactive Computng
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of George Lan
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Mingfeng Lin
Scheller College of Business
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Robbie Moon
Scheller College of Business
Scheller College of Business
Photo of Shamkant Navathe
Computer Science
Photo of Ashwin Pananjady
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Haesun Park
Computational Science and Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Mohammad Roozbahani
Computational Science and Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Interactive Computng
Scheller College of Business
Photo of Gamze Tokol-Goldsman
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Richard Vuduc
Computational Science and Engineering
Photo of Daniel Weagley
Scheller College of Business
Photo of Keith Werle
Scheller College of Business
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Photo of Anqi Wu
Computational Science and Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Danfei Xu
Computer Science
Photo of Tuo Zhao
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Computational Science and Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Scheller College of Business
Scheller College of Business
Photo of Richard Fujimoto
Computational Science and Engineering
Scheller College of Business
Industrial and Systems Engineering


Candice McLemore
Director of MSA Program Operations
Ann Blasick
Director of Career Services
Ashley Marshall
Corporate Relations Manager
Lauren Silver
Corporate Relations Manager
Rachael Smith
Corporate Relations Manager
Photo of Shirmenia Nunes
Program Manager
Harry Sharp
Academic Program Coordinator

Advisory Board

Mr. Ivan Alvarez

VP Enterprise Data and Advanced Analytics

Ms. Mansi Arora

Data Scientist
GT MSA 2018

Mr. Brian Burns

Manager - Data Science & Analytics – Personalization
GT MSA 2016

Mr. Michael Carpenter

The Home Depot
Director of Finance-Decision Analytics

Dr. Manoj Chari

Elon University
Assistant Professor -Business Analytics

Mr. Evan Charles

The Coca-Cola Company
Group Director - Revenue Growth Management

Mr. Jean-Luc Chatelain

Accenture Applied Intelligence
Retired - Managing Director, CTO Applied Intelligence

Mr. Nirmit Chetwani

Manager, Science
GT MSA 2018

Mr. Prasanna Dhoré

President, Data Ventures

Dr. Warren Hearnes

Best Buy
Vice President, Head of Data Science

Mr. Keith Jackson

AT&T Services
Chief Human Resources Officer

Dr. Ahmet Keha

ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
Senior Principal Engineer - Production Planning

Ms. Shannon Kehoe

Director of Artificial Intelligence
GT MSA 2019

Dr. Radhika Kulkarni

SAS Institute
Retired - Vice President, Advanced Analytics R&D

Mr. Sundar Kuppuswamy

Sr. Director, Chief Data Scientist

Dr. Sofus Macskassy

Director of Engineering Data Science

Mr. Paul Stroup

Director Data Science

Mr. Prahalad Thota

VP of Data Science

Dr. Michael Watson

Northwestern University
Faculty, Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences (IEMS)

Gail Wetzel

Vice President, Data & Analytics

Dr. Beverly Wright

Wavicle Data Solutions
Vice President, Data Science & AI / CAIO